How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (2024)

by Bob Wright | Dec 9, 2018 | Homemade bread, Homemade Bread Bundle | 76 comments

How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (1)

  1. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (2)

    Crestinaon October 27, 2019 at 11:43 am

    How much Liquid Lecithin do you use for artisan sourdough bread and when do I add it


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (3)

      Lindsey Ramageon November 15, 2019 at 3:49 pm

      Add one teaspoon for every 2.5 cups of dry ingredients (flours or starch). Add it to the dry ingredients and then add the liquids. You can also add it when you add the starter.


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (4)

        Cathyon November 5, 2022 at 10:47 am

        Is the liquid soy lecithin need refrigerated after opening? And why does it look like it’s hardening on the sides of bottle after open?


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (5)

      GAIL AULDon June 26, 2020 at 6:17 pm

      Very informative. I’ll be checking out more of your recipies.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (6)

      Carmelita Whyteon October 27, 2020 at 6:57 am

      How much vinegar do you use?


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (7)

      Frankon March 13, 2021 at 6:46 pm

      Hi, will your narrative apply to making pizza dough?


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (8)

      Vincent Youngon December 19, 2021 at 9:01 am

      Ok I was ready to try and bake bread. All this science has me concerned that I’ll never bake an excellent loaf. Simply can’t afford all the fancy additives….lecithin powders, etc….I even gave up reading half way through the article. I wish my daddy was still alive. Made delicious breads, before all these things were concocted. Flour water yeast….and yum. I applaud you in all these! I just wish I could get to y’all’s level …lol it’s sounds and looks yummy and fun….


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (9)

      Leland Castroon August 16, 2022 at 10:59 pm

      Have you ever made Portuguese malasadas the Hawaiian style way. Where it is really airy inside, slightly crunchy on the outside. It’s made by Leonard’s bakery in Hawaii.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (10)

      Marita Dennison August 19, 2022 at 7:26 am

      Thank you for sharing your bread baking knowledge!! Just goes to show, even a 64 year old can learn something new.


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (11)

        Lindaon October 5, 2022 at 6:34 pm

        How can I make a tasty gluten free bread that is light and fluffy. My Son has medical problems that prevents him from enjoying his favorite white soft bread.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (12)

      Lorrieon November 10, 2022 at 6:23 pm

      This is a very interesting recipe but I would be interested if you could put recipe for 1kg of bread flour and then I could work out what I need for 5kgs of flour eg! Thank you and keep up the good work.


  2. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (13)

    Donnaon November 17, 2019 at 6:41 am

    Do the lecithin granules get added to the wet or dry ingredients, it’s my first time for adding it.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (14)

      Lindsey Ramageon November 18, 2019 at 12:00 am

      It should be added to the dry ingredients. If it is liquid (my preference because it usually turns out smoother) then you mix all the dry ingredients and then add the liquid lecithin.

      Happy Baking!


  3. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (15)

    sft06Hon December 11, 2019 at 5:51 pm

    529094 766285I dont typically comment but I gotta state thanks for the post on this excellent 1 : D. 881911


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (16)

      Glennon January 17, 2022 at 8:51 am

      How much water, if any, would you recommend removing if I were to add egg yolks to a bread recipem Say for example I am using a basic white loaf recipe (500g flour/365g water), how many egg yolks should I use? Thank you in advance


  4. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (17)

    Alan Gaylordon January 20, 2020 at 8:04 pm

    I enjoyed reading your information about bread making. I was looking for information about lecithin and stumbled across your web site. I make bread fairly often–not often enough for my children and grandchildren–but never thought to nor heard of using lecithin in my bread. I will be trying it out soon. Additionally I was unaware of the difference between bread flour and all purpose flour, so now I will go hunting for a store that sell that. I have been using lecithin for a few decades, not in bread, but in soups, stews, and gravies to emulsify whatever fats or oils from meats or sauteing of vegetables into the soup or stew or gravy. It has worked very well for that. I would be interested to know if you bake sourdough breads and for whatever hints and tips you might have if you do make sourdough breads.
    Thanks for listening to the rambles of a seventy-five year old home baker.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (18)

      Dayle Peterson November 22, 2020 at 12:58 am

      i would love to hear if you use lecithin granules or liquid in your gravies and your recipe for a gravy. thanks!


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (19)

        Lindsey Ramageon January 7, 2021 at 10:50 pm

        Liquid lecithin works great in gravy to smooth it out. I’ve also used it in steak marinades to make sure it mixes better. Works great.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (20)

      Actual Bakeron July 2, 2021 at 6:43 am

      Light, soft and fluffy bread can be made without any of these additives. It’s just a cheat method for people who don’t know how to make bread properly. Instead of adding stuff learn proper technique and you will get the desired result.


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (22)

        Lindaon October 5, 2022 at 6:37 pm

        Please tell me how I can make bread for a loved one who cannot tolerate white flour. He’s allergic to wheat and was told to eat gluten free bread but he hates it. He lives the normal soft a fluffy white bread. Thank you


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (23)

        Linda hugheson October 22, 2022 at 5:04 am

        Smarty pants we cannot all be perfect,have time or strength to nead etc (as my hands are painful with arthritis


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (24)

        captain johnon December 3, 2022 at 11:07 am

        I am one of those who don’t know how to make bread properly. Can you share your “proper technique”?


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (25)

        Samon December 20, 2022 at 9:07 am

        Where can I learn to do it properly


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (26)

        Joanne spenceon January 2, 2023 at 5:52 pm

        That’s why we’re all here.
        How’s the weather up there on your high horse?


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (27)

        Andrew Philippouon January 4, 2023 at 1:39 am

        Would you please tell us the correct way of making the bread fluffy and soft instead of using these additives. Thank you


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (28)

        bob peeterson February 2, 2023 at 10:10 pm

        You’re a braggy mofo. Go bake your superior bread and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (29)

      monica hallon January 18, 2023 at 10:36 pm

      Baked a no knead 18 hour proofing dough artisan loaf. Added toasted walnuts and raisins, as well as a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Everyone who indulged were “blown away”. Said that it was so delicious, a high end bakery product. A few said that they would be willing to pay $20.00 for a loaf. Not new to baking bread, have tried many different methods. I believe this time I’ve hit the mark when it comes to mastering a delicious artisan loaf.


  5. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (30)

    anneon March 3, 2020 at 10:59 am

    Love this site!! Have been using her recipes for quite awhile, They always come out and are so much faster. Would be interested in an english muffin bread,


  6. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (31)

    Amyon April 10, 2020 at 6:37 pm

    I have been searching for detailed information on how to make light and fluffy bread and this is exactly what I needed. My bread has always leaned towards a more dense bread. This is so helpful. Thank you!


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (32)

      Lindsey Ramageon April 19, 2020 at 3:08 pm

      Hi Isha, Thanks for the question. I would try 1 Tbsp of liquid lecithin (Soy or Sunflower) to replace one whole egg. It can also be used to substitute 1 Tbsp for egg yolk. I don’t know about the Japanese cake but you can maybe substitute the eggs with the lecithin. Give this a try and let us know how it turned out. Happy baking!


  7. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (33)

    Gabbion May 14, 2020 at 3:25 am

    For years I made bread with water and active dry yeast. I decided to try milk instead of water and add an egg. My bread was too light. You could read the morning paper through it. I hated it. Going back to Mom’s recipe. Water and all purpose flour.


  8. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (34)

    Cynthia Cervoon May 16, 2020 at 6:51 pm

    Do you add lecithin granules in the same quantity as liquid – 1tsp to 2 1/2 cups of flour? And do you had the dry milk as well as lecithin granules to the bread mix?


  9. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (35)

    jim douglason May 17, 2020 at 1:34 pm

    Thank you?. My breads have been way too heavy compared to the bakery bread. Vinegar? How much do you add to not have a vinegar flavor?


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (36)

      yvonne ryanon June 12, 2022 at 2:05 am

      How much vinegar do you use per loaf.


  10. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (37)

    Julieon May 23, 2020 at 7:50 am

    Hi there, so i have only plain flour i can use at the moment because shopd here in the uk are always out of bread flour. I use fast actions dried yeast in the mix too.
    The loaf was dense, so i want to try the vinegar tip you said. I have 500grams of plain flour so how much vinegar will i need and at what stage do I mix it in.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (38)

      Lindsey Ramageon June 5, 2020 at 12:55 pm

      Hi Julie, bummer that bread flour is such a struggle to get your hands on. With the vinegar tip, I would add a tablespoon of vinegar to your liquid and then add to your dry ingredients. Let me know how it goes!


  11. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (39)

    Nancyon May 31, 2020 at 11:42 am

    Lindsey, I am trying to make sweet bread. My first attempt came out too dense, it calls for 8 eggs. How much lecithin should I use? Also I will be using bread flour from now on. Thanks for any help you can give me. Have a great day!


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (40)

      Lindsey Ramageon June 5, 2020 at 12:29 pm

      Nancy, sweet bread my favorite! On your first attempt, how much lecithin did you use? Also how many cups of flour does the recipe call for? I usually say 1 tsp of lecithin per egg and 1 tsp of lecithin per 2.5 cups of flour. Also what kind of yeast are you using?


  12. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (41)

    Terri McClureon June 7, 2020 at 1:27 pm

    I just made my first loaf of white bread a few days ago and we really liked it. My husband was very impressed and bragged. The only thing is that it is so heavy! I’ve read the questions and comments and all your info. Do I add all these things or just pick 3. If I just pick 3 which 3 are the best?


  13. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (42)

    GAIL AULDon June 26, 2020 at 6:18 pm

    Very informative. I’ll be checking out more of your recipies.


  14. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (43)

    Beniciaon August 21, 2020 at 2:31 am

    If carbon dioxide gas is to make the bread light why do we have to press out gas after first rise.


  15. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (44)

    Sandraon August 22, 2020 at 9:45 pm

    Hi Lindsay,
    How can I make my bread lighter but with a crispy top. My bread comes out soft because I tried using wheat gluten but the top is not crispy like the bakery and my husband like a crispy bread.
    Thanks, I would appreciate your help.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (45)

      Lindsey Ramageon January 7, 2021 at 11:04 pm

      Hi Sandra,

      We like a soft crust in our home but the secret to a crispy crust is steam. My favorite to do that is to place a pan of ice under the bread in the oven to generate steam as it melts. The trick is not to overdo the ice. Experiment with it and let me know how it goes.

      Happy Baking!


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (46)

      Dave Goodacreon July 16, 2021 at 7:29 am

      Off I add 2 tbsp of dried milk to my bread mix, do I have to put in extra water?


  16. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (47)

    John Bowleson November 24, 2020 at 11:03 am


    I just purchased liquid soy lecithin and it has a very odd consistency. My breadmaker typically has you add ingredients then waits 45 minutes before starting its mixing. Will the lecithin be okay sitting 45 minutes before mixing and is there any chance it will harm the inner surface of my breadmaker pan?


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (48)

      Lindsey Ramageon January 7, 2021 at 10:49 pm

      Hi John,

      This should be fine. It is sticky so maybe put it in the middle of the dry ingredients so it isn’t on the outside of the bread maker.


  17. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (49)

    Joyon January 2, 2021 at 2:59 pm

    Hi Lindsey.

    I make banana bread which calls for 3 bananas and 5 eggs and 1/2 cup of coconut flour. Since it comes out a bit dense (but very tasty) I want to try the instant yeast. However, does instant yeast work on flour and ingredients with no wheat in them? I use gluten free ingredients since I have gluten allergy. Thank you.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (50)

      Janaon February 6, 2021 at 12:05 pm

      Can you also tell me how long it keeps before it goes bad?


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (51)

        Bob Wrighton November 10, 2021 at 12:05 pm

        I’d say you’re not looking much past a week and a half, two weeks tops. Whether or not you keep it in the fridge would have some effect on that time as well.


  18. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (52)

    Janaon February 6, 2021 at 11:28 am

    Hi! Do you have any recipes for a whole wheat version, and even gluten free? 🙂


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (53)

      Bob Wrighton November 10, 2021 at 12:02 pm

      Jana, we don’t have a gluten free version…yet. However, here is a link to a Honey Whole Wheat version.


  19. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (54)

    Larry Kringenon June 8, 2021 at 10:27 am

    I ‘ve ben making bread for over 3o years….. using bread machine to do the kneading and baking it separately. I’ve tried all sorts of flours, all-purpose, wheat flour, bread flour and whole wheat. I have never tried adding lecithin as of yet. where do I get the liquid type. Yes, my bread usually comes-out too dense!


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (55)

      Bob Wrighton February 15, 2022 at 11:54 am

      Sorry, we missed your comment. If you are still looking you can go here to our website; there is also a link for Amazon on the page.


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (56)

      Lindsey Ramageon February 16, 2022 at 7:18 pm

      Hi Larry, you can purchase our liquid lecithin right here on our website or even on Amazon. Try either of these links… or


  20. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (57)

    [emailprotected]on September 30, 2021 at 6:31 am

    What about adding dry beef broth to the all purpose flour


  21. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (58)

    Willon September 30, 2021 at 6:34 am

    What about adding dry beef broth to the all purpose flour


  22. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (59)

    Shellylynnon October 6, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    Hello there …

    I have active dry yeast that I need to use up first before I try the items in your recipe.

    I am wondering if an still try our recipe just add rise time?

    Or should I use a traditional recipe and add any one of the enhancers? And of course, use bread flour :)?

    Baking now so look forward to hearing back.


  23. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (60)

    Stephen Felceon November 25, 2021 at 2:34 am
    Your article is very interesting but not what I was hoping for. Trying out additives I wold prefer to avoid if I can.

    I have been making bread for a while off and on but have had limited success. So yesterday, I tried with very high Canadian high protein white flour. It was more chewy, the dough rose a little better but the improvement in taste and texture was not there compared from when using a cheap brand of supermarket bread flour here in the UK.

    With both flours, I was using instant dried yeast and from what elsewhere I have just read, maybe the yeast, which kind, makes the biggest difference since there are millions of different yeast fungi naturally occurring and the resulting chemical reactions have their nuances. Maybe I need to try again with sourdough. Is that so and which sourdough? I would like the bread crumb to be open rather than dense, have a crunch crust and distinctive, fairly powerful but not acid taste. So far my bread is anything but.

    I tried making my own sourdough but it would not come alive, attempting it twice. then tried a bought in San Francisco sourdough starter but gave up after the discard used to make pancakes, even with a lot of syrup was way too sour. In spite of your article, I would prefer to keep to just flour, water, salt and yeast for the time being because the more ingredients the more variables and uncertainty as I will not just hit upon the right mix and get it right the first time, so just get more and more confused. How do J discover which choice of sourdough? Perhaps I need a very mild one which does not impart much if any noticeable sourness. What do you think?


  24. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (61)

    Chrison December 18, 2021 at 8:43 am

    How much vinegar do you recommend adding to the ingredients for a loaf of bread?


  25. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (62)

    Stuart Hallon January 14, 2022 at 7:42 am

    Interesting article. Everything I have seen talks about making bread lighter and fluffier. We detest it like that.

    Do you have any tips for making it denser?


  26. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (63)

    Joseph Redzkoon February 9, 2022 at 9:22 am

    Hello Lindsey, first of all, thank you for the great information and the outstanding presentation of it. I’m a freshly retired guy that has recently become a beginner bread baker. I’m not adverse to standard baking processes, hell that’s what makes it fun, but my son bought me a bread machine for Christmas, and I won’t lie, sometimes easier is more appealing, if you know what I mean. That plus I’m a very messy baker and sometimes I’m not in the mood for cleanup. Any tips for bread machine recipes, and will enhancers work in bread machine recipes? Any help for this old guy would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, by the way, you are extremely sharp and well versed in baking and explaining how things work…….KUDO’s


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (64)

      Lindsey Ramageon February 16, 2022 at 7:38 pm

      Yes, the enhancers should work in the bread maker. Also, I’ve seen people use the bread maker to mix the dough and then they shape and cook the bread from there. Happy Baking!


  27. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (65)

    Janeon February 13, 2022 at 8:47 pm

    I found your article very helpful in understand what natural ingredients help make bread less dense and fluffier. I tried using ginger in 2 different kinds of bread. The.y we’re both higher and lighter! You talk about a number of options but only give amounts for some. Can you either share amounts for the others or point me to that information? Also, can one liquify lecithin crystals for use in bread?

    Thanks so much, Jane


    • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (66)

      Lindsey Ramageon February 16, 2022 at 7:40 pm

      Hi Jane, I’ve never been a fan of the lecithin crystals because of the process to get them in the dough and dissolved etc. I would opt for the much easier Liquid Lecithin and give it a try. As for the amounts, it really depends on the dough you are making and the quantities. You may need to experiment. Let me know if you figure anything out. Happy Baking!


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (67)

        Terrion December 15, 2022 at 11:56 am

        Hi Thank you so much for these tips to make bread fluffier. A really great Italian bakery closed in our town and I’ve been trying to make something that is fluffy. So far it tastes fine but it’s dense. I looked for lecithin at Wegmans but only echinacea comes up. Is that the same? Or where can I buy lecithin?


        • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (68)

          Terrion December 15, 2022 at 12:03 pm

          Sorry! I see that you sell lecithin. Is it also used in Italian bread?


      • How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (69)

        Karl Corningon January 28, 2023 at 2:31 pm

        Hi Lindsey
        Great information thank you. I’m sure you’ve probably been asked but do you have a version of your basic bread white recipe for a single loaf ? There are just two of us and most recipes yield too high qty for us. Hoping you do have this as I would really like to try your recipe. Thanks in advance for your time.


  28. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (70)

    Tochion February 21, 2022 at 11:03 am

    Can liquid milk (condensed Milk) also serve the same purpose


  29. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (71)

    Cheryl A. Scotton April 14, 2022 at 6:55 pm

    My grandma use to make a potato yeast bread using potato and the water and she like it a bit sweet so she used sugar too. Her bread was white, light, fluffy and rise A mile high. Can you point me in the direction of a good recipe. She came from the backwoods and just threw this bag together but her potato yeast bread and potato yeast rolls were the best


  30. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (72)

    LORRAINE HALLon June 1, 2022 at 1:52 am

    This is probably the single most useful website posts I’ve seen so far as a newbie bread maker! Thanks very much!


  31. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (73)

    Sharonon July 29, 2022 at 2:33 am

    Thanks for your informative article. I enjoyed reading it. Do you have tips especially for gluten free breads? Creating a light and fluffy gf loaf is very difficult.


  32. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (74)

    Carrieon August 28, 2022 at 8:14 pm

    If a wheat bread recipe already calls for dry milk, will adding liquid lecithin also help, or would that be overkill?


  33. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (75)

    Darcy Watsonon September 16, 2022 at 11:21 am

    Doctors have recommended my daughters go to a “FODMAP” diet that allows spelt (due to its lower gluten). I have been experimenting with making bread from spelt flour. Do you have any recommendations on which of the additives you list would work best for a moist loaf that would also have a longer shelf life? Would appreciate any advice!


  34. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (76)

    Phoebeon October 2, 2022 at 1:52 pm

    I know this is a bit old, but I was wondering if my recipe for bread already calls for eggs, is there a need to add a dough enhancer like lecithin or any of the others, considering there’s lecithin in it already? If so, how would I know how much to add?


  35. How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (77)

    Davidon January 16, 2023 at 4:34 pm

    Just been reading comments on your page.
    Now I have been trying to find how Bakers make those Very Light crusty rolls, I’m sure they only weigh about 1 Oz are full of air, with a crusty top!
    Can you tell me how that is achieved please?
    Will get back to the reading now, thank you in anticipation
    Kind Regards



  1. What are the Uses of Lecithin in Food? - […] being a natural preservative extends shelf life of your baked goods and in addition it helps your bread be…
  2. How To Make Bread Less Dense - […] P/S: The article is done from getting ideas from How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light…

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How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy (2024)


How to Make Homemade Bread Less Dense or More Light & Fluffy? ›

Allowing ample time for your bread dough to rise and the yeast to form will create the holes in the bread that give it a lighter texture. Letting your dough get puffy and grow before it goes into the oven is critical. However, be sure not to let it rise too much.

How to make homemade bread less dense or more light & fluffy? ›

You can actually add a small amount of wheat gluten to enhance the dough and make it lighter and fluffier. The more gluten, the stronger the dough is. You can purchase vital wheat gluten and replace 1 Tbsp of flour with the vital wheat gluten. Here's a link to Anthony's Premium Vital Wheat Gluten on Amazon.

What to do if homemade bread is too dense? ›

Lack of gas and fermentation that makes the dough aerate results in dense and heavy bread. In these cases, it is either necessary to allow the dough to be proof longer or move it to the warmer room.

Does letting bread rise longer make it fluffier? ›

Does Rising Bread Affect Its Texture? For a fluffy bread texture, the key is to let the bread rise long enough.

Does more sugar make bread fluffier? ›

Yeast feed on sugar and it's the gasses produced by yeast that causes the dough to expand and “rise”. More accurately stated though, it's the yeast that has the effect but it's a symbiotic relationship. Too little sugar will impede the rise by not having sufficient nutrient for the yeast.

What is the secret to a soft and fluffy bread? ›

Add Milk

To make your bread soft and fluffy, another trick used by commercial bakers is replacing water with milk. Milk has fats which make bread softer.

How to make homemade bread more airy? ›

Simply put, you have to control the temperature of the bread. Allowing ample time for your bread dough to rise and the yeast to form will create the holes in the bread that give it a lighter texture. Letting your dough get puffy and grow before it goes into the oven is critical.

Why is my bread maker bread so dense? ›

Too much heat or humidity might lead to a too-quick rise and a crevice near the center of your bread. Conditions that are too cold might delay proofing or rising, resulting in a super-dense loaf.

Why is my homemade wheat bread so dense? ›

The reason why whole wheat loaves end up so dense is because whole wheat flour has very little gluten as compared to white all-purpose flour. Gluten is important for giving the dough – and final loaves – structure. Without it, loaves tend to end up flat and dense.

What ingredient makes bread more fluffy? ›

Yeast is a type of fungi that acts as a leavening agent in bread making. It will feeds on sugar and releases carbon dioxide gas, which causes the bread to rise. There are two types of yeast used in bread making: active dry yeast and instant yeast.

Is it bad to leave bread to rise for too long? ›

“If the dough has risen too long, it's going to feel fragile and might even collapse as you poke it,” says Maggie.

How long do you let bread rise the first time? ›

Most recipes call for the bread to double in size – this can take one to three hours, depending on the temperature, moisture in the dough, the development of the gluten, and the ingredients used. Generally speaking, a warm, humid environment is best for rising bread.

How do I make my bread less dense? ›

You can:
  1. add a pinch more yeast.
  2. let the mixed dough rest before adding the yeast, making the dough more accessible to the yeast.
  3. add a little more water, to make a softer dough that will be able to lift higher.
  4. proof the dough longer, to let the yeast work.
Aug 24, 2018

What helps bread to become light and fluffy? ›

Sugar: When yeast is mixed with sugar it consumes the sugar and produces carbon dioxide gas, which causes the bread dough to rise and become light and airy.

What is the best sugar for homemade bread? ›

Many bread recipe call for white sugar. It's cheap and easy and doesn't add much flavor except pure sweetness. Raw cane sugar and brown sugar add a little more flavor and color. They also contain trace minerals not found in refined white sugar.

What makes store bread soft and fluffy? ›

Many of these breads, especially packaged ones, are made with a ton of chemical additives such as calcium propionate, amylase, and chlorine dioxide which help keep them soft, light, and fluffy for days.

What does a dough enhancer do to bread? ›

Dough Enhancer Benefits

Expedites the rising and proofing process to save time and effort in the bread-making process. Makes the dough easier to manage and more tolerant to handling. Improves the environment and nutrients in the dough to promote yeast growth.

How to make whole wheat bread less dense? ›

Gluten is important for giving the dough – and final loaves – structure. Without it, loaves tend to end up flat and dense. One trick is to add some white all-purpose flour along with the whole wheat flour. Even just a little white flour has enough gluten to give the dough better structure.

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