What is Feature Engineering? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

Feature Engineering is the process of creating new features or transforming existing features to improve the performance of a machine-learning model. It involves selecting relevant information from raw data and transforming it into a format that can be easily understood by a model. The goal is to improve model accuracy by providing more meaningful and relevant information.

What is Feature Engineering?

Feature engineering is the process of transforming raw data into features that are suitable for machine learning models. In other words, it is the process of selecting, extracting, and transforming the most relevant features from the available data to build more accurate and efficient machine learning models.

The success of machine learning models heavily depends on the quality of the features used to train them. Feature engineering involves a set of techniques that enable us to create new features by combining or transforming the existing ones. These techniques help to highlight the most important patterns and relationships in the data, which in turn helps the machine learning model to learn from the data more effectively.

What is Feature Engineering? - GeeksforGeeks (1)

What is a Feature?

In the context of machine learning, a feature (also known as a variable or attribute) is an individual measurable property or characteristic of a data point that is used as input for a machine learning algorithm. Features can be numerical, categorical, or text-based, and they represent different aspects of the data that are relevant to the problem at hand.

  • For example, in a dataset of housing prices, features could include the number of bedrooms, the square footage, the location, and the age of the property. In a dataset of customer demographics, features could include age, gender, income level, and occupation.
  • The choice and quality of features are critical in machine learning, as they can greatly impact the accuracy and performance of the model.

Need for Feature Engineering in Machine Learning?

We engineer features for various reasons, and some of the main reasons include:

  • Improve User Experience: The primary reason we engineer features is to enhance the user experience of a product or service. By adding new features, we can make the product more intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly, which can increase user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Competitive Advantage: Another reason we engineer features is to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. By offering unique and innovative features, we can differentiate our product from competitors and attract more customers.
  • Meet Customer Needs: We engineer features to meet the evolving needs of customers. By analyzing user feedback, market trends, and customer behavior, we can identify areas where new features could enhance the product’s value and meet customer needs.
  • Increase Revenue: Features can also be engineered to generate more revenue. For example, a new feature that streamlines the checkout process can increase sales, or a feature that provides additional functionality could lead to more upsells or cross-sells.
  • Future-Proofing: Engineering features can also be done to future-proof a product or service. By anticipating future trends and potential customer needs, we can develop features that ensure the product remains relevant and useful in the long term.

Processes Involved in Feature Engineering

Feature engineering in Machine learning consists of mainly 5 processes: Feature Creation, Feature Transformation, Feature Extraction, Feature Selection, and Feature Scaling. It is an iterative process that requires experimentation and testing to find the best combination of features for a given problem. The success of a machine learning model largely depends on the quality of the features used in the model.

1. Feature Creation

Feature Creation is the process of generating new features based on domain knowledge or by observing patterns in the data. It is a form of feature engineering that can significantly improve the performance of a machine-learning model.

Types of Feature Creation:

  1. Domain-Specific: Creating new features based on domain knowledge, such as creating features based on business rules or industry standards.
  2. Data-Driven: Creating new features by observing patterns in the data, such as calculating aggregations or creating interaction features.
  3. Synthetic: Generating new features by combining existing features or synthesizing new data points.

Why Feature Creation?

  1. Improves Model Performance: By providing additional and more relevant information to the model, feature creation can increase the accuracy and precision of the model.
  2. Increases Model Robustness: By adding additional features, the model can become more robust to outliers and other anomalies.
  3. Improves Model Interpretability: By creating new features, it can be easier to understand the model’s predictions.
  4. Increases Model Flexibility: By adding new features, the model can be made more flexible to handle different types of data.

2. Feature Transformation

Feature Transformation is the process of transforming the features into a more suitable representation for the machine learning model. This is done to ensure that the model can effectively learn from the data.

Types of Feature Transformation:

  1. Normalization: Rescaling the features to have a similar range, such as between 0 and 1, to prevent some features from dominating others.
  2. Scaling: Scaling is a technique used to transform numerical variables to have a similar scale, so that they can be compared more easily. Rescaling the features to have a similar scale, such as having a standard deviation of 1, to make sure the model considers all features equally.
  3. Encoding: Transforming categorical features into a numerical representation. Examples are one-hot encoding and label encoding.
  4. Transformation: Transforming the features using mathematical operations to change the distribution or scale of the features. Examples are logarithmic, square root, and reciprocal transformations.

Why Feature Transformation?

  1. Improves Model Performance: By transforming the features into a more suitable representation, the model can learn more meaningful patterns in the data.
  2. Increases Model Robustness: Transforming the features can make the model more robust to outliers and other anomalies.
  3. Improves Computational Efficiency: The transformed features often require fewer computational resources.
  4. Improves Model Interpretability: By transforming the features, it can be easier to understand the model’s predictions.

3. Feature Extraction

Feature Extraction is the process of creating new features from existing ones to provide more relevant information to the machine learning model. This is done by transforming, combining, or aggregating existing features.

Types of Feature Extraction:

  1. Dimensionality Reduction: Reducing the number of features by transforming the data into a lower-dimensional space while retaining important information. Examples are PCA and t-SNE.
  2. Feature Combination: Combining two or more existing features to create a new one. For example, the interaction between two features.
  3. Feature Aggregation: Aggregating features to create a new one. For example, calculating the mean, sum, or count of a set of features.
  4. Feature Transformation: Transforming existing features into a new representation. For example, log transformation of a feature with a skewed distribution.

Why Feature Extraction?

  1. Improves Model Performance: By creating new and more relevant features, the model can learn more meaningful patterns in the data.
  2. Reduces Overfitting: By reducing the dimensionality of the data, the model is less likely to overfit the training data.
  3. Improves Computational Efficiency: The transformed features often require fewer computational resources.
  4. Improves Model Interpretability: By creating new features, it can be easier to understand the model’s predictions.

4. Feature Selection

Feature Selection is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features from the dataset to be used in a machine-learning model. It is an important step in the feature engineering process as it can have a significant impact on the model’s performance.

Types of Feature Selection:

  1. Filter Method: Based on the statistical measure of the relationship between the feature and the target variable. Features with a high correlation are selected.
  2. Wrapper Method: Based on the evaluation of the feature subset using a specific machine learning algorithm. The feature subset that results in the best performance is selected.
  3. Embedded Method: Based on the feature selection as part of the training process of the machine learning algorithm.

Why Feature Selection?

  1. Reduces Overfitting: By using only the most relevant features, the model can generalize better to new data.
  2. Improves Model Performance: Selecting the right features can improve the accuracy, precision, and recall of the model.
  3. Decreases Computational Costs: A smaller number of features requires less computation and storage resources.
  4. Improves Interpretability: By reducing the number of features, it is easier to understand and interpret the results of the model.

5. Feature Scaling

Feature Scaling is the process of transforming the features so that they have a similar scale. This is important in machine learning because the scale of the features can affect the performance of the model.

Types of Feature Scaling:

  1. Min-Max Scaling: Rescaling the features to a specific range, such as between 0 and 1, by subtracting the minimum value and dividing by the range.
  2. Standard Scaling: Rescaling the features to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation.
  3. Robust Scaling: Rescaling the features to be robust to outliers by dividing them by the interquartile range.

Why Feature Scaling?

  1. Improves Model Performance: By transforming the features to have a similar scale, the model can learn from all features equally and avoid being dominated by a few large features.
  2. Increases Model Robustness: By transforming the features to be robust to outliers, the model can become more robust to anomalies.
  3. Improves Computational Efficiency: Many machine learning algorithms, such as k-nearest neighbors, are sensitive to the scale of the features and perform better with scaled features.
  4. Improves Model Interpretability: By transforming the features to have a similar scale, it can be easier to understand the model’s predictions.

What are the Steps in Feature Engineering?

The steps for feature engineering vary per different Ml engineers and data scientists. Some of the common steps that are involved in most machine-learning algorithms are:

  1. Data Cleansing
    • Data cleansing (also known as data cleaning or data scrubbing) involves identifying and removing or correcting any errors or inconsistencies in the dataset. This step is important to ensure that the data is accurate and reliable.
  2. Data Transformation
  3. Feature Extraction
  4. Feature Selection
    • Feature selection involves selecting the most relevant features from the dataset for use in machine learning. This can include techniques like correlation analysis, mutual information, and stepwise regression.
  5. Feature Iteration
    • Feature iteration involves refining and improving the features based on the performance of the machine learning model. This can include techniques like adding new features, removing redundant features and transforming features in different ways.

Overall, the goal of feature engineering is to create a set of informative and relevant features that can be used to train a machine learning model and improve its accuracy and performance. The specific steps involved in the process may vary depending on the type of data and the specific machine-learning problem at hand.

Techniques Used in Feature Engineering

Feature engineering is the process of transforming raw data into features that are suitable for machine learning models. There are various techniques that can be used in feature engineering to create new features by combining or transforming the existing ones. The following are some of the commonly used feature engineering techniques:

One-Hot Encoding

One-hot encoding is a technique used to transform categorical variables into numerical values that can be used by machine learning models. In this technique, each category is transformed into a binary value indicating its presence or absence. For example, consider a categorical variable “Colour” with three categories: Red, Green, and Blue. One-hot encoding would transform this variable into three binary variables: Colour_Red, Colour_Green, and Colour_Blue, where the value of each variable would be 1 if the corresponding category is present and 0 otherwise.


Binning is a technique used to transform continuous variables into categorical variables. In this technique, the range of values of the continuous variable is divided into several bins, and each bin is assigned a categorical value. For example, consider a continuous variable “Age” with values ranging from 18 to 80. Binning would divide this variable into several age groups such as 18-25, 26-35, 36-50, and 51-80, and assign a categorical value to each age group.


The most common scaling techniques are standardization and normalization. Standardization scales the variable so that it has zero mean and unit variance. Normalization scales the variable so that it has a range of values between 0 and 1.

Feature Split
Feature splitting is a powerful technique used in feature engineering to improve the performance of machine learning models. It involves dividing single features into multiple sub-features or groups based on specific criteria. This process unlocks valuable insights and enhances the model’s ability to capture complex relationships and patterns within the data.

Text Data Preprocessing
Text data requires special preprocessing techniques before it can be used by machine learning models. Text preprocessing involves removing stop words, stemming, lemmatization, and vectorization. Stop words are common words that do not add much meaning to the text, such as “the” and “and”. Stemming involves reducing words to their root form, such as converting “running” to “run”. Lemmatization is similar to stemming, but it reduces words to their base form, such as converting “running” to “run”. Vectorization involves transforming text data into numerical vectors that can be used by machine learning models.

Feature Engineering Tools

There are several tools available for feature engineering. Here are some popular ones:

1. Featuretools

Featuretools is a Python library that enables automatic feature engineering for structured data. It can extract features from multiple tables, including relational databases and CSV files, and generate new features based on user-defined primitives. Some of its features include:

  • Automated feature engineering using machine learning algorithms.
  • Support for handling time-dependent data.
  • Integration with popular Python libraries, such as pandas and scikit-learn.
  • Visualization tools for exploring and analyzing the generated features.
  • Extensive documentation and tutorials for getting started.


TPOT (Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool) is an automated machine learning tool that includes feature engineering as one of its components. It uses genetic programming to search for the best combination of features and machine learning algorithms for a given dataset. Some of its features include:

  • Automatic feature selection and transformation.
  • Support for multiple types of machine learning models, including regression, classification, and clustering.
  • Ability to handle missing data and categorical variables.
  • Integration with popular Python libraries, such as scikit-learn and pandas.
  • Interactive visualization of the generated pipelines.

3. DataRobot

DataRobot is a machine learning automation platform that includes feature engineering as one of its capabilities. It uses automated machine learning techniques to generate new features and select the best combination of features and models for a given dataset. Some of its features include:

  • Automatic feature engineering using machine learning algorithms.
  • Support for handling time-dependent and text data.
  • Integration with popular Python libraries, such as pandas and scikit-learn.
  • Interactive visualization of the generated models and features.
  • Collaboration tools for teams working on machine learning projects.

4. Alteryx

Alteryx is a data preparation and automation tool that includes feature engineering as one of its features. It provides a visual interface for creating data pipelines that can extract, transform, and generate features from multiple data sources. Some of its features include:

  • Support for handling structured and unstructured data.
  • Integration with popular data sources, such as Excel and databases.
  • Pre-built tools for feature extraction and transformation.
  • Support for custom scripting and code integration.
  • Collaboration and sharing tools for teams working on data projects.

5. H2O.ai

H2O.ai is an open-source machine learning platform that includes feature engineering as one of its capabilities. It provides a range of automated feature engineering techniques, such as feature scaling, imputation, and encoding, as well as manual feature engineering capabilities for more advanced users. Some of its features include:

  • Automatic and manual feature engineering options.
  • Support for structured and unstructured data, including text and image data.
  • Integration with popular data sources, such as CSV files and databases.
  • Interactive visualization of the generated features and models.
  • Collaboration and sharing tools for teams working on machine learning projects.

Overall, these tools can help streamline and automate the feature engineering process, making it easier and faster to create informative and relevant features for machine learning models.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1.What is Featurization in machine learning?

Transforming raw data into numerical features that machine learning models can understand and process.This involves techniques like encoding,scaling,and normalization.

2.What is feature engineering for machine learning libraries?

Pre-built functions and tools within machine learning libraries designed to facilitate feature engineering tasks such as encoding,transformation,and selection.

3.What is feature engineering in EDA?

Applying feature engineering techniques during exploratory data analysis (EDA) to uncover hidden patterns,identify relationships between features,and understand the data distribution.This helps in selecting relevant features and building better models.



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What is Feature Engineering? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


What is Feature Engineering? - GeeksforGeeks? ›

Feature engineering is the process of transforming raw data into features that are suitable for machine learning models. In other words, it is the process of selecting, extracting, and transforming the most relevant features from the available data to build more accurate and efficient machine learning models.

What do you mean by feature engineering? ›

Feature engineering is the process of selecting and transforming variables when creating a predictive model using machine learning. It's a good way to enhance predictive models as it involves isolating key information, highlighting patterns and bringing in someone with domain expertise.

What are the steps of feature engineering? ›

Feature engineering in ML consists of four main steps: Feature Creation, Transformations, Feature Extraction, and Feature Selection. Feature Creation: Creating features involves identifying the variables that will be most useful in the predictive model.

What is the difference between feature engineering and feature selection? ›

Feature selection plays a crucial role in improving model accuracy, reducing overfitting, and enhancing computational efficiency. By transforming raw data into meaningful representations, feature engineering enables models to effectively capture relevant patterns.

What is another name for feature engineering? ›

Other names for Feature Engineering include Feature Extraction, Feature Selection, and Feature Discovery.

What is the primary goal of feature engineering? ›

Feature engineering is a machine learning technique that leverages data to create new variables that aren't in the training set. It can produce new features for both supervised and unsupervised learning, with the goal of simplifying and speeding up data transformations while also enhancing model accuracy.

What is the role of feature engineer? ›

Feature engineering involves the extraction and transformation of variables from raw data, such as price lists, product descriptions, and sales volumes so that you can use features for training and prediction.

What method would you use for feature engineering? ›

Common techniques in Feature Engineering include data cleaning and imputation, feature scaling (normalization and standardization), encoding categorical data (one-hot encoding and label encoding), feature creation (deriving new features), and feature selection (choosing the most relevant features).

Is feature engineering still relevant? ›

Answer: No, feature engineering is not dead or outdated; it remains a critical step in machine learning model development for enhancing predictive performance and extracting meaningful patterns from data.

Is feature engineering same as feature extraction? ›

Feature engineering is converting raw data into features/attributes that better reflect the underlying structure of the data. Feature extraction is the process of transforming raw data into the desired form.

Is feature engineering same as data engineering? ›

While data engineering and feature engineering share many similarities, and feature engineering is a subset of data engineering, they have distinctly different meanings, and it's important to understand the nuances so you can properly structure your product roadmaps, hire the right persona, or find the right team when ...

What is feature engineering in prediction? ›

What Is Feature Engineering? In engineering terms, a feature is a measurable input that can be used by predictive models. Simply put, features are variables. Thus, feature engineering is the process of selecting, transforming and creating relevant input variables (features) from raw data for use in supervised learning.

What is a feature engineering example? ›

Examples of Feature Engineering

Assume two input variables, customers' salaries and ages, and a target variable, the likelihood of purchasing a product. In this dataset, salaries range between $30,000 and $200,000, and ages are between 10 and 90.

Does feature engineering come under EDA? ›

Both data pre-processing and feature engineering play pivotal roles in this endeavor. EDA involves a comprehensive range of activities, including data integration, analysis, cleaning, transformation, and dimension reduction. Data pre-processing involves cleaning and preparing raw data to facilitate feature engineering.

Is feature engineering part of data preprocessing? ›

How Do Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering Relate? In preprocessing data engineers get and clean data from the sources to be used for feature engineering. Feature engineering is the part of creating the actual features.

What is model feature engineering? ›

Feature engineering involves transforming raw data into a format that enhances the performance of machine learning models. The key steps in feature engineering include: Data Exploration and Understanding: Explore and understand the dataset, including the types of features and their distributions.

What is feature engineering in image processing? ›

Feature engineering is the process of creating, selecting, and transforming features from raw data to improve the performance of predictive models.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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