Men's Boots & Outdoor Shoes (2024)


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About Men's Boots & Outdoor Shoes

You’ve already got the fit, now we’re bringing the boots to keep you looking fresh from head to toe. From classic Timberland boots to modern sneaker boots from Nike, we’ve got the hottest styles from the biggest brands. But it’s not just about looking good, these boots will keep you comfortable and confident all day and night. With features like waterproof materials and cushioned footbeds you can step out in style without sacrificing comfort. Shop now and start turning heads.

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`; }, collapseButtonText: ({ collapsed }) => collapsed ? 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`; }); SortBySelectorRenderingOptions.widgetParams.container .find('div') .html(optionsHTML); }); cache.client.addWidget( customSortBySelector({ container: $('#algolia-sort-by-mobile'), items: algoliaSortIndices, }) ); // Custom Pagination widget that uses a select element instead of individual page buttons const customPagination = instantsearch.connectors.connectPagination(function(PaginationRenderingOptions, isFirstRendering) { const currentPage = PaginationRenderingOptions.currentRefinement; PaginationRenderingOptions.widgetParams.containerNode.html(`

Page: of ${PaginationRenderingOptions.nbPages}

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'PLP: Product Quickview Clicked' : 'PLP: Search Result Clicked', index: Theme.algolia.product_index, queryID: queryId, objectIDs: [objectId], positions: [parsedPosition] }); addProductToLocalStorage(objectId, productId, queryId); } } } function sortRefinementsAlphabetically(items, ascending) { return items.sort((a, b) => { const normalizedA = a.value.toLowerCase(); const normalizedB = b.value.toLowerCase(); if (normalizedA < normalizedB) return ascending ? -1 : 1; if (normalizedA > normalizedB) return ascending ? 1 : -1; return 0; }); } function formatSizeRefinements(items) { let sorted = Shopify.API.sortFiltersBySize(items, "plp"); return sorted } function formatPriceRefinements(items) { return items .sort((a, b) => Theme.Global.safeParseInt(a.value.split(':')[0]) - Theme.Global.safeParseInt(b.value.split(':')[0])) .map((item, i) => { const lower = item.value.split(':')[0]; const upper = item.value.split(':')[1]; let label = `$${lower}-$${upper}`; if (i === 0) { label = `Under $${upper}`; } else if (i === items.length - 1) { label = `Over $${lower}`; } return { ...item, label }; }); } function _itemsSorted() { if(DynamicYield) { var value = this.value.split("_"); var order = value.pop(); if(order != "asc" && order != "desc") { value.push(order); order = "desc"; } value = value.join("_"); DynamicYield.sortItems(value, order); } } function appendFilterElements() { const markup = => { if (filter.isSize) { filterContainerIds[] = "#algolia-refinement-size"; return ``; } else if (filter.isColour) { filterContainerIds[] = "#algolia-refinement-colour"; return ``; } else { filterContainerIds[] = `#algolia-refinement-${' ', '_')}`; return `` } }).join(""); document.querySelector(".screen-takeover__body").innerHTML = markup; } function hideChat() { try { const launcher = document.getElementById('launcher'); if(launcher) { launcher.dataset.width = launcher.clientWidth = 'none'; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } function showChat() { try { const launcher = document.getElementById('launcher'); if(launcher) { = ''; = launcher.dataset.width + 'px'; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } function openMobileFilters() { document.querySelector("[data-screen-takeover-filters]").classList.remove("screen-takeover__hidden"); $(`.ais-root__collapsible`).each(function() { $(this).addClass("ais-root__collapsed") }); = "hidden"; hideChat(); } function closeMobileFilters() { document.querySelector("[data-screen-takeover-filters]").classList.add("screen-takeover__hidden"); = "auto"; showChat(); } function openMobileSorting() { document.querySelector("[data-screen-takeover-sorting]").classList.remove("screen-takeover__hidden"); = "hidden"; hideChat(); } function closeMobileSorting() { document.querySelector("[data-screen-takeover-sorting]").classList.add("screen-takeover__hidden"); = "auto"; showChat(); } function toggleFilter(e) { if (e.which == 13) { this.closest(".refinement-group__item").click(); } } function buildProductCard(product, origin, index) { const discountAmount = product.compare_at_price > product.price ? product.named_tags['Discount Amount'] : null; const global_access = product.tags.includes("GlobalAccess_Yes") || product.tags.includes("Exclusivity_JD"); const title = Theme.settings.locale === 'fr' ? product.meta?.translations?.french_title || product.title : product.title; let string = `


${product.compare_at_price ? "


"+ " Now "+product.price.dollar()+"" : product.price.dollar() }


${product.compare_at_price ? "


"+ " Now "+product.price.dollar()+"" : product.price.dollar() }

`; return string; } async function buildProductGroup(target, handle, products) { let mobile_images = `

`; let variant_images = `

`; products.forEach((product) => { if(product.handle == handle) { mobile_images += `

Men's Boots & Outdoor Shoes (3)

`; variant_images += `

` } }); products.forEach((product) => { if(product.handle != handle) { mobile_images += `

Men's Boots & Outdoor Shoes (5)

`; variant_images += `

` } }); mobile_images += `

`; variant_images += `

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`; $; if(group) { Shopify.API.getProductGroup(group) .then(_buildPDPColorPicker) .then(() => { _buildPDP(handle) }); } else { Shopify.API.getProduct(handle) .then( _buildPDPColorPicker) .then(() => { _buildPDP(handle) }); } } function _buildPDP(handle) { if (typeof handle == "string") { cache.handle = handle; } else { cache.handle = this.value; } if(this) { handle = this.value; if(DynamicYield && this.getAttribute) { var color = this.getAttribute("data-color-option"); DynamicYield.changeAttribute("Color", color); } } var product = cache.products[handle]; var variantId = (product && product.variants) ? String(product.variants[0].id) : ""; if(handle && product) { const userToken = localStorage.getItem("algolia_user_token"); if (userToken) { aa('viewedObjectIDs', { userToken: userToken, eventName: 'Product Viewed', index: window.Theme.algolia.product_index, objectIDs: [String(product.variants[0].id)], }); } } if(!product) { return; } document.querySelector(".pdp__quickview [data-product-title]").innerHTML = product?.title; document.querySelector(".pdp__quickview [data-product-price]").innerHTML = (product?.compare_at_price) ? `${} Now ${}` : product?; _buildPDPImages(product); _buildPDPThumbnails(product); _buildPDPSizePicker(product); _buildPDPFinalSale(product); _buildPDPWishlistButton(product, variantId); } function _buildPDPWishlistButton(product, variantId) { var origin = new URL(window.location.href).origin; document.querySelector("[data-wishlist-button]").innerHTML = `` // Initialize Swym wishlist button after it is loaded document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("swym:variant-changed")); } function _buildPDPImages(product) { var string = " \ "; document.querySelector("[data-media-wrapper]").innerHTML = string; cache.featured_image = Theme.Global.initializeTinySlider(document.querySelector("[data-carousel='pdp_media']")); return product; } function _buildPDPSizePicker(product) { Shopify.API.sortVariantsBySize(product.variants); product.variants.forEach((variant, index) => { var string = " \

\ \ \

"; if(index == 0) { document.querySelector("[data-size-container]").innerHTML = ""; } document.querySelector("[data-size-container]").append(string.createContext()); }); return product; } function _buildPDPFinalSale(product) { const finalSaleMessage = Theme.Global.getFinalSaleMessage(product); if(finalSaleMessage) { document.querySelector('[data-final-sale-text]').innerHTML = `


`; } else { document.querySelector('[data-final-sale-text]').innerHTML = ''; } return product; } function _changeFeaturedImage() { var index = this.getAttribute("data-pdp-thumbnail"); document.querySelector("[data-pdp-thumbnail][aria-active='true']").setAttribute("aria-active", false); this.setAttribute("aria-active", true); Theme.Global.getTinySlider("pdp_media").goTo(index); } function _buildPDPThumbnails(product) { var string = "";, index) => { string += " \
  • \ Men's Boots & Outdoor Shoes (9)"; if(media.media_type == "video") { string += " \


    "; } string += " \
  • "; }); document.querySelector("[data-thumbnail-wrapper]").innerHTML = string; return product; } function _buildPDPColorPicker(products) { if(!products.length) { products = [products] } products.forEach((product, index) => { cache.products[product.handle] = product; var string = " \

    \ \ \

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    Men's Boots & Outdoor Shoes (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Arline Emard IV

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6590

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

    Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Arline Emard IV

    Birthday: 1996-07-10

    Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

    Phone: +13454700762376

    Job: Administration Technician

    Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

    Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.