Game Progress Route | Solasta Official Wiki (2024)

Game Progress Route forSolasta: Crown of the Magisterfeaturesa recommended step-by-step progression path for the main campaign of the game, its goal is to provide players the important points of the game and to avoidany missing important aspects such assignificant Locations, NPCs, Items,as well as involved boss encounters.For guides on quests, clickhere, if you want to check a detailed guide for each location, you may visit our Walkthroughpage.

SolastaGame Progress Route

Caer Cyflen Tavern

  1. Escape the Bandits' Prison
  2. Tutorial: Movement
  3. Tutorial: Quest Log
  4. Tutorial:Crawling / Climbing
  5. Tutorial: Interactive Elements
  6. Tutorial: Center on a Character
  7. Find a way Out

After completing the introduction and character creation, the game's tutorial Prologue will begin. This starts in the Caer Cyflen Tavern where they will bring players to a series of Flashbacks to introduce the game features and mechanics starting with the Main Quest, Prison Break. Follow the main path and complete each tutorial instruction when prompted. Interact with any environmental obstacles in your path and open any chests. Exit through the cell gates to complete the quest.

Caer Cyflen Tavern

  1. Cross the Bridge
  2. Tutorial: Attacking/ Shoving/ Dodge/Disengage
  3. Get Rid of the Wolves
  4. Escape the Greyback Wolf

This flashback begins on a bridge and begins the Wild EncounterPrologue Main Quest. Kill the enemies in the area to complete the combat sequence. Follow the tutorial instructions to proceed and clear the enemies. Climb up on the rocks and push the boulder off the cliff at the end of the bridge to end the sequence.

Caer Cyflen Tavern

  1. Leave the Cave
  2. Tutorial: Lighting & Light Sources
  3. Light your way
  4. Tutorial: Healing / Cautious Mode
  5. Sneak Past the Orcs / Cross the River

This tutorial section begins in a dark cave and your main objective is to Leave the Cavefor The Cave Main Quest. Follow the tutorial. Light the dark areas to continue. Enter through the first gate to receive the healing tutorial. Loot the chest and Heal yourself. Sneak past the Orcs in CautiousMode and open the next set of gates. Exit to continue.Cross the river by jumping over ledges and completing the rest of the tutorial. Take a long rest and prepare a spell when finished. Exit up the ladder when finished to complete the sequence.

Caer Cyflen Tavern

  1. Recover the Stolen Gem
  2. Tutorial: Stealth/ Lockpicking
  3. Enter the Fort

Enter the fort in Cautious Mode. Do this enter sequence in stealth. Lock pick the door to enter the fort. Locate the Treasure Room. Enter the room with a chest and take the Gem. Escape the fort while still in Cautious Mode. Complete the combat sequence to finishthePrologue.

Caer Cyflen

  1. Meet Carran at the Legacy Council
  2. Level up (Long Rest)
  3. Buy Food for the journey
  4. Tutorial: Crafting
  5. Secondary Quests:
    • The Scavengers' Headquarters
    • Lair of Filth
    • Convey the Scavengers' Message

Make your way to the Legacy Counciland speak to Lord Carran. Level up your character to move on to the next objective. To do this, take a long rest and speak to Karel, the Gravekeep's Cask owner. This will complete the Legacy Council Main Quest and begin the Caer Lem (Quest). This will also begin the quest The Scavengers' Headquarters. Make your way to the Caer Lem Outpost. On the way there, another secondary quest will be activated: Lair of Filth. Defeat the goblins in the cave on the way to the outpost to complete the Lair of Filth Quest. Continue through to reach the outpost

Caer Lem Outpost

  1. Explore the Fort
  2. Reach the Door to the Dungeon
  3. Secondary Quest: Convey the Scavengers' Message.
  4. Talk to Lisbath/ Daliat / Robar
  5. Choice: Speak to Beryl /Daliat / Robar

Explore the fort,make your way to the top of the fort and reach the door to the dungeon. A secondary Quest will be triggered:Convey the Scavengers' Message. Talk to all three, Lisbath, Daliat, and Robar and after gaining intel, speak to either of the three: Beryl, Daliat or Robar. Complete the checks to continue. This will determine what happens next. Speaking to Robar will end in Lisbath's death, Speaking to Beryl or Daliat will both get Robar killed in the next combat sequence. Make your choice then escape to the caves. Escape the caves and return to Caer Cyflen to complete this main quest.

Caer Cyflen

  1. Report to Carran
  2. Choice: Talk to Beryl /Daliat /Robar
  3. Travel to the Ancient Tower
  4. Explore the Ruined Tower
  5. Secondary Quest: Quest for Information

Report to Lord Carran after returning from the outpost. They will lead you to a Possible Sorak Base, the Ruined Tower. Travel to the Ancient Ruined Tower to continue to the next Quest. Explore the Ruined Tower. This will also trigger the Secondary Quest, Quest for Information. Approach the base in any way even in Cautious Mode will activate a combat sequence against the workers. Clear the combat sequence and enter the excavation site. Loot the baskets on either side of the excavation entrance. Enter through the caves and follow the path until there is a broken pillar and a magic vent below. Once you push the block over, climb up and cross the pillar to loot the chest on top. Continue toward the path until you reach an enchanted Library.

Ruined Tower Library

  1. Follow the light
  2. Find a way to open the door
  3. Tutorial: Magic Runes Puzzle
  4. Objective 5

Follow the path with the lit torches. Interact with any blocks in your way. Interact with the orb at the end of the path then return to the entrance to take another route. Observe the statues on the way. Interact with the artifacts and statues along the way to complete the secondary quest, Quest for Information. Loot the chest at the corner top platform to obtain a primed a Primed Leather Armor. The chest in the center platform will containa Crafting Scroll of Fog Cloud, a Crafting Battleaxe of Acuteness document, a Javelin, Scroll Kits, an Angry Violet, and a Candle light source. Continue navigating the paths and complete the battle sequence in the middle. Proceed until you reach a Magic Runes Puzzle Tutorial. Locate and activate all rune platforms thenactivate the orb to open the door.

Ruined TowerCrown Room

  1. Exit the Library
  2. Tutorial: Mana Lamps
  3. Kill the Soraks
  4. Seize the Artifact and bring back the Crown

Proceed towards the exit doors and complete the Mana Lamp tutorial by casting any light or fire spells at them. Continue to the next area to reach the Crown Room. Complete the battle and Kill the Soraks. Loot any bags left behind and Seize the artifact. Bring back the Artifact to the Legacy Council. Fast Travel to Caer Cyflen.

Caer Cyflen

  1. Report to the Council
  2. Gem Quest: The Dark Castle
  3. Follow the Crownbearer's intuition

Report to the Council. Finish the cutscene and make your way back to the Legacy Council building. Speak to Faction representatives to improve your relationships with them and gain benefits. Proceed to the Legacy Council and complete the combat sequence in between. The next objective is to locate the Crown's Gems. Travel to the Possible Gem Location.

Possible Gem Location

  1. Enter the Castle's Courtyard
  2. Secondary Quest: Angbi's Bones
  3. Enter the Castle's Keep
  4. Objective 5

Search the vicinity of the Castle for chests and loot. Look for the ghost dwarf at the cemetery area west of the gate to begin the secondary Quest: Angbi's Bones. Collect the bones in the grave areas by searching the sacks Collect three sets to complete the quest. Enter the castle to initiate a combat sequence. Make your way to the Keep. Go through a well drain in order to leave the area and enter the Castle.

Dark Castle

  1. Get to the next floor
  2. Locate the Master

Loot the bookcases in the area. Double-check the map to see any lootable areas. The bookcase on top of the staircase will have a Rapier, some gems, and a scroll. Proceed to the next floor. You will come across a battle sequence on your way to the next few rooms. Light the lamps along the way. Go through the room with zombies and complete the battle sequence. Go through a set of cell gates to proceed to the next area. This will trigger a cutscene and you will be lead to speak to Aksha. Proceed forward. Loot the sacks and baskets in the area before taking the flight of stairs. Open the cell gates by flipping the switch to the right of it and step into the blue area to take you to the next floor. Light the mana lamps then approach the creatures nearby to trigger a battle. Take the wooden structures to cross to the next rooms and continue to light the mana lamp. Return to the first area and climb to the platform above the row of cell gates. Get to the red-carpeted area that also leads to a flight of stairs. This will go up to a set of dimly lit areas. Following the red carpet to the end will lead to a battle sequence. Past this area are some bookshelves that can be looted for Crafting Recipes. Return to the other end of the red carpet and go through the narrow arch area. You will have to climb over the small block. This is where you will the blue glowing indicator that will lead you to the next room.Interact with the set of doors. This will eventually trigger another cutscene with Aksha. Succeed in passing her checks to avoid any combat. Loot the area and check or the other interactable objects. Go through the large set of doors. Take the Minor gate indicated by the blue glow to teleport to the next area.Use the runes to access the next area. Use the Thieve's Tools to Lockpick any doors. Complete any battle sequences in your way. Continueuntil you reach the Master and the Gem. Complete the final sequence to complete the quest. Leave the area to continue.

Dark Castle Maze

  1. Find a Way out of the Maze
  2. Choice: Adventurer's Journal
  3. Locate the Master and the Gem

Go through the small door arch. Disarm the traps and trigger the slabs to gain access to the next area. Head over to lit rooms and loot its contents. Use each party member to activate multiple switches. When the next area is successfully opened, take your party to the next room with the rune markings. Face the south wall and interact with the crates to move them. Have the character join the rest of the party and have each character step on the rune switches on the floor. Take the newly activated teleporters to the next area. The west teleporter will take you to a small room. Observe the rune plaque on the wall then take the Depleted rune. Use Thieve's tools to unlock the cell gate. Complete the battle, take the adventurer's notes and take the teleporter with the arrow that points down to activate it on the main platform. Activate all arrow directions to continue. There is one more teleporter arrow in the first room that can be activated. Activate all arrows to continue. Complete the battle sequences and use the switches to unlock the next rooms until you reach the Master. Successfully go through the checks to avoid battle. Completing the cutscene will complete the quest and obtain the gem. There will be a chest to loot in the Master's Room before you exit the area.

Tirmarian Ruins

  1. Gem Quest: The Monastery
  2. Explore the Ruins
  3. Find the Copper Vale of Remembrance

Travel to the next possible gem location (Tirmarian Ruins) and explore the ruins. There are chests to loot atop the pillars and through some rocks. Be thorough as one of the items in those bushes will contain an items to begin the Secondary Quest, Acolyte. Check for interactable items then proceed to the center of the map. Approach the mausoleum and wait for the moon by resting in order to be able to solve the rune puzzle. Tap on the first then third and second slab to reveal the symbol and open the entrance. Kythaela will lead you to the next area. Fast Travel to Coparann, stopping by the bridge, Dungeon, and Caravan Camp. Loot the chests in both areas. The Oracle area chest will be in the water. Retrieving the chest will trigger a combat sequence. The Dungeon will also contain a chest at the end of the corridor. Continue the journey after looting the area. She will stop at the caravans. Look for Galar and help him complete a combat sequence to gain access to his gears. He will also provide an optional quest.


  1. Gem Quest: The Monastery
  2. Return Belongings / Deliver Letter (Optional)
  3. Find the five clues
  4. Find Sergeant Nikannen
  5. Meet the Baron

Upon arrival at Coparann, enter through the gate area and Deliver the letter to Wilf and look for the Ceannard indicated on the minimap. Locate the five clues in the area by speaking to various townspeople to continue. Speak to the Scavenger HQ leader who will be outside near the market tents. Speak to her to complete the Secondary Quest;Visit the Local Scavenger HQ. Speak to Sergeant Nikkanan and then meet theBaronto continue. Return to Nikannen then return to the Baron the next day and follow him to the basem*nt. Complete the Battle sequence to continue.


  1. Survive the Ambush
  2. Free the Real Baron
  3. Find Kythaela's Belongings
  4. Go to the Throne Room / Check the Imperial Door (Optional)
  5. Find the Gem's Location

Upon finishing the battle and setting the real Baron free, solve the rune puzzle piece like the one in the Mausoleum. Solve the puzzle to enter the next area and locate Kythaela's belongings. Loot the chest in the area to obtain Beautiful Boots, Primed Longsword, and a Primed Longbow. Interact with the set of Imperial Doors to complete the optional objective and then return to the Throne Room. Travel to the next location: Master's Tower. It will be available on your map.

Master's Tower

  1. Explore the Surroundings
  2. Find a Way to Enter the Tower
  3. Enter The Tower
  4. Find the Gem

Clear the path and take the route to the left of the tombstone once you come across it. Some pillars need to be knocked over to continue the path. Keep heading north until you reach the large round platform. You need to wait for the moon again to solve the puzzle so take a rest. Solve the slab puzzles to open the tower entrance. This will be interrupted by a combat sequence. Complete the battle to continue solving the puzzle and open the tower entrance. Enter the Tower and loot the chest at the corner of the room. This area will now be added to your map so you can check lootable areas. Stand in the center of the Foyer to teleport into the Tower.

Master's Tower

  1. Find the Gem
  2. Kill Razan
  3. Secondary Quest:Shadow of the Defiler

Check each room to loot the chests. Check the bookshelves in the library area for more Crafting Recipes and Ingredients.Some items you will find include a Breastplate of Deflection, Chainmail of Robustness, Half Plate of Robustness, The Long Night, Empress Garb Chain Shirt, Leather Armour of Survival, and Armour of Flame Dancing. Proceed across the narrow suspended walkway to reach the next area and prepare for battle. Complete the battle sequence to complete the quest. Come back to this location later on in order to complete the secondary quest, Shadow of the Defiler.

Path to Glory

  1. Return to Caer Cyflen
  2. Go to the Council
  3. Visit the Residence
  4. Secondary Quest:Shadow of the Defiler
  5. Secondary Quest:The Nature of Evil
  6. Secondary Quest: Heritage of Distrust
  7. Secondary Quest: Arwin Merton's Story
  8. Secondary Quest: Bitterroot's Treasure Map
  9. Gem Quest: The Cradle of Fire
  10. Gem Quest: The Mind of the Master

Go back to the council then check the quest board for all other available secondary quests. This will be a good time to finish off some a few Secondary Questsavailable in the area. Speak to the Mayor at Sunblaze Court to begin another quest, the Heritage of Distrust. If you prefer, you may head to your quests. This will be a good time to continue the Heritage of Distrust as the Tannerson siblings, Drew, Adria and Lyria will be in Caer Cyflen already. Your next step for this quest would be to visit the Tannerson Estateto complete the quest. If player's have come across Bitterroot already, Arwin Merton will also be located in Caer Cyflen at the Gravekeep's Cask. This will progress the Arwin Merton's Story. Bitteroot will have also given you a map to the Silent Whisper Outpost, which will begin Bitterroot's Treasure Map. When you are ready to move on, visit the residence. The cutscene here will also begin The Nature of Evil.

Gem Quest: The Cradle of Fire

  1. Reach the Volcano
  2. Explore the Volcano's Surroundings
  3. Talk to the Orc Shaman
  4. Free Brok
  5. Get Past Arbal
  6. Choice: Visit the Bloodspear / Sandraven / Bladefang Tribe
  7. Find the Old Queen
  8. Returnthe Holy Axe
  9. Go through the Redscar Gate
  10. Explore the Necropolis
  11. Choice: Steal the Key /Choice: Use the Minor Gate
  12. Return to Urka
  13. Defeat Urka
  14. Join Brok behind the Redscar Gate
  15. Face Arrok /Defeat Arrok
  16. Escape from the Erupting Volcano

Fast travel to the Volcano and loot the area till you meet the Shaman Orc, Kebra. Speak to her then progress and free Brok. Take the Elevator and it would give you the option to visit the three tribes. It does not matter what order you go on as you will need to visit all three. Visit the Bloodspear tribe. Prepare for battle and initiate combat with their chief Edrof. Next head to the Bladefang tribe. Reach the burrows and defeat the Old Queen to retrieve the Holy Axe. The last tribe is the Sandraven tribe where you will need to bring back the Emporer's Key. You will need to go through the Redscar Gate. Don't miss the loot once you're in the Necropolis. This will contain a Gear-Shaped Shield (Cog of Cohh once identified), Chain Mail, Elven Shortsword, arrow and a Shortbow. You will then soon reach your objective destination. Steal the key then complete the battle and return to Urka. Join Brok and Face Arrok for a battle. Completing the battle will initiate the next sequence. Exit the area to continue.

Gem Quest: The Mind of the Master

  1. Reach the Lava Forest
  2. Find your way to the Gem
  3. Enter the Shed
  4. Find a Way Out
  5. Secondary Quest:The Arena
  6. Find Another Fragment of the Gem

Begin this quest by fast traveling to the Lava Forest. Make your way through the lava forest. You will encounter some battles along the way. Approach with caution as there are traps in the area as well. Once you reach the shed enter the shed and reach the glowing gate. To the south, there will be an availableSecondary Quest. Entering the area will begin The Arena, which will require going through a series of battles to complete the quest. Loot the chests in the area as well. Locate and unlock all glowing stones and activate them to open the main door. Return to the main door, complete the battle through it when you interact with eh chest in the center of the room. Once you are done with the battle loot the chest to receive a Brightwall Shield. Continue through the gates to initiate a cutscene and battle against the Green dragon and loot the treasure left behind. You will also obtain a fragment of the Gem.

Find Another Fragment of the Gem

  1. Enter the Manor
  2. Follow the Housekeeper
  3. Secondary Quest:The Escape from the Manor
  4. Secondary Quest:A Very Tempting Place
  5. Secondary Quest:A Well-Ordered Room
  6. Fight the Master

Continue through the platforms till you reach the cog switches that move the platforms. Arrange the platforms so that you have a path to the chest that will contain Mithral Stone and an Encrypted Spellbook. Toggle with the switches again and proceed. You will eventually come across the cube of light. Fight it to continue and you will enter the next area. Progress forward till you reach the center platform tih a book and the manor. If you loot it, you will be asked to return it. Enter the manor and follow the housekeeper. Follow her and head up after the dining hall to reach the cells and trigger the quest Escape from the Manor. Your choices here won't affect the story. Continue to follow the Spectral Servant and take a long rest. Head into the right towards the eastern wall. There will be a room that will trigger A Very Tempting Place. You will have the option to loot the chests but it will only contain Strange Oil and Life Stone. Continue forward then you will cross an outdoor bridge and reach a corner head forward into the room rather than following the servant to trigger A Well-Ordered Room. You can help the servant clear the room to continue. The next room the Spectral Servant will lead you to is where you will encounter the Master, Zhoron. A cutscene will begin and will eventually lead to a battle. Clear the battle to continue.

The Missing Piece

  1. Return to the Manacalon Ruin
  2. Report to the Council
  3. Take a Long Rest
  4. Talk to Heddlon Surespell
  5. No Way Back!
  6. The Dark Cult

Completing the two gem quests will complete Path to Glory and activates The Missing Piece. They will tell you to return to the Manacalon Ruin, but after arriving there is nothing left to do there so return to Care Cyflen and report to the council. Heddlon Surespell advises your party to avoid the Residence, it is up to you to decide whether you wish to take a long rest at the Residence or at Gravekeep's Cask, as this will not alter the story. Choosing to enter the residence, however, will result in having to enter a battle sequence. After the rest, Heddlon Surespell will be on the upper floor of Gravekeep's Cask. You can speak to him here. The morning after, the council will resume their meeting and you will then be approached by Halman Summer. He will hint at a suspicious destination near Caer Cyflen.


  1. Go to Earcorn
  2. Search Earcorn
  3. Fight the Soraks!
  4. Return to Caer Cyflen
  5. Find Halman Summer
  6. Go to the Council Hall

Fast Travel on the world map to Earcorn just next to Caer Cyflen and approach the area with caution. Prepare for battle. Fight the Soraks in the area and return to Caer Cydlen. You will come across Daliat Sunbird will looking for Lord Carran. Heddlon Surespell will also arriving also looking for Halman Summer. Look for Lord Carrran in the Council Hall and he will inform you of Halman Summer's house in the town.

Search Halman's House

  1. Bring Documents to Carran
  2. Rush to the Temple
  3. Fight all the Infiltrators!
  4. Find the Crown!
  5. Take a Long Rest
  6. Use the Major Gates

Head to Halman Summer's house that will be blocked off. Once you enter search the area and you will make a discovery. Bring the documents and evidence back to Lord Carran. Rush to the Temple and Fight all the infiltrators. This will take you into battle. When the infiltrators are defeated, find the crown. The Marshal will give you the Temple Keys. Follow the light. There will also be a marker on your compass. Once you reach the crown room, head through the secret passage where Arwin Merton, Leira Kean and Princess Ceiwad Silverflower will be. This will take you into a cutscene. Then, you will need to take a long rest. Take a long rest and loot what the Princess has left you before exiting through the Major Gate. Identify any weapons that have hidden properties.

Aer Elai

  1. Exit the Lava River
  2. Climb up the Mountain
  3. Find the Bone of the Magister
  4. Leave the Bone Yard
  5. Find a Way Through
  6. Cross through the Mist
  7. Explore the Palace
  8. Approach the Rift
  9. Defeat the Tshar
  10. Hold the Line

Once you have reached the Aer Elai, prepare for battle. Continue across the Lava Ricer and make your way up the mountain. They will then have another battle for you long with a cutscene. You will need to locate some dragon bones. It will be directly north next to the dragon ribcage. Leave the Bone Yard once you have obtained it. You will eventually come across another battle. Cross the river. Move down and loot the corner. Continue towards the marker and push the pillars over to create a path. Cross the myth and approach with caution. You will have to undergo another battle. Afterwards, make your way to the end and it will take you to the bent palace. Explore the palace. Loot the area and make your way across. Maneuver over the platforms while continuing to follow the quest marker and approach the area of the rift. Another battle will commence. Try to approach and initiate a surprise attack. The Magister will eventually arrive and you will have to hold the line as he closes the rift. This begins another battle. Hold it long enough until the cutscene ends the sequence. This will end the quest and the game.

Game Progress Route | Solasta Official Wiki (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.