Chickpeas Benefits - Nutritional Value, Weight Loss, Recipes | HealthifyMe (2024)

Chickpeas are one of the most sought after legumes in the world. They serve as ingredients in various cuisines, including the Middle East, India, Israel, Spain, and North Africa. This traditional bean has its origins in the Middle East. Its cultivation started as early as 7,500 years ago. Today, chickpeas have become an essential ingredient in many household kitchens.

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Also called garbanzo beans and Ceci, they are small in size. They are usually available in dry form. And it is necessary to soak and cook them before consumption. The consumption of chickpeas can be from a can, ground up into flour, stewed, or even pureed. When cooked, chickpeas have a grainy texture and nutty taste, making them an excellent accompaniment with many other foods. Apart from being very tasty, chickpeas are rich in fibre, minerals, and vitamins.

They offer many health benefits, like reducing the risk factors of diseases, weight management, and improving digestion. Chickpeas are also very high in plant-based protein. The high-protein content in them makes them one of the best meat replacement ingredients. Thus, chickpeas are an essential part of vegan and vegetarian diets.

Nutritional Value of Chickpeas

Chickpeas have a unique nutrition profile. In just a single 28-gram serving, there are 102 calories and only 729 calories in one cup (200 grams) of boiled chickpeas. Nearly 67% of its weight comprises carbs, while the remaining chickpea consists of protein and fat.

Did you know that one cup of chickpeas provides up to 40% of your required amount of daily fibre, 70% of folate and 22% of iron? In addition, they have a low glycemic index. It means that your body digests this legume slowly, which helps you feel full for longer and prevents spikes in blood glucose levels.

Listed below is the nutritional profile of a 28-gram serving of boiled/cooked chickpeas:

  • Calories: 102
  • Carbohydrates: 17 grams
  • Fat: 1.5 grams
  • Fibre: 7.9 grams
  • Protein: 4.8 grams

Chickpeas for Weight Loss

Chickpeas are a known ingredient in combating excess weight because they are low in calories compared to the number of nutrients they provide. Suppose you eat low-calorie, high-fibre foods like chickpeas daily.

In that case, you are highly likely to experience weight loss, especially when combined with some exercise. In addition, the high fibre and protein content in chickpeas promote weight loss. Both the ingredients slow down your digestion and increase satiety levels.

A weight-loss study shows that people who consumed chickpeas regularly were 53% more likely to fit within a lower body mass index. Compared to those who didn’t consume chickpeas, they also had a lower waist circumference. Another research study found that consuming chickpeas every day increased weight loss by 25%.

Health Benefits of Chickpeas

Besides weight loss, there are several other health benefits of consuming chickpeas. They are as follows:

Chickpeas Reduce Blood Glucose Levels

Chickpeas have a low glycemic index. Low GI means that chickpeas take time to be absorbed and digested by your body. This quality help regulate blood sugar levels, making sure they don’t go up too fast. In addition, chickpeas are a great source of protein. Studies have shown that consuming foods rich in protein will help maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

The American Diabetes Association recommends chickpeas as a source of fibre for people with diabetes. A 2014 study states that eating around 30g of fibre every day could reduce inflammation in individuals living with type 1 diabetes. Ideally, the recommended dosage for adults is 28.0 grams of fibre a day.

Another 2014 meta-analysis linked high fibre intake with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. So that’s why dieticians always state that a diabetes-friendly meal plan should include chickpeas.

Chickpeas Promote Bone Health

Chickpeas contain calcium, iron and magnesium, all necessary minerals that promote healthy and strong bone structure. Therefore, incorporating them into your daily diet is an excellent way of preventing osteoporosis. First, however, make sure to get rid of its phytates by soaking them beforehand. Phytates may prevent your body from absorbing the calcium present in chickpeas.

Chickpeas Help Manage Blood Pressure

Consuming chickpeas can help increase your potassium levels. Chickpeas are naturally high in this mineral. You should add chickpeas to your diet to meet your daily potassium requirements. A cup of chickpeas (200g) has 1,750 mg of potassium. Studies have shown that potassium is helpful in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure. Adults should consume 4,700 mg of potassium every day.

If you’re planning to use canned chickpeas, pay attention to the sodium level in the ingredient listing. It is always best to cook with dry chickpeas to control and limit the sodium you consume. Recommendations suggest that you keep your sodium level below 2,300 each day to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Chickpeas Promote Heart Health

Chickpeas are high in B-vitamins, fibre, selenium, iron, and magnesium, ingredients that support heart health. For example, dietary fibre decreases the risk of developing heart disease because it lowers blood cholesterol levels. In addition, a research study has shown that the soluble fibre present in chickpeas reduces “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Chickpeas Help Combat Cancer

Free radicals are the cause of cancer. These are toxic substances that accumulate in the body due to poor metabolism. As toxin levels rise, cell damage occurs, causing a variety of health issues, including cancer.

Chickpeas contain antioxidants such as beta carotene and selenium. These are vital in removing free radicals. In a single cup of chickpeas, there is 6.1 mcg of selenium. The recommended daily requirement of selenium for adults is 55 mcg. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that is capable of protecting the body from developing cancer. This antioxidant coupled with fibre can help reduce your chances of developing cancer.

In addition, chickpeas contain a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate, which studies have shown can reduce inflammation in the colon cells. This ingredient helps to reduce cell growth and division and cause programmed cell death instead. Therefore, it helps lessen the risk of colorectal cancer.

Chickpeas Reduce Cholesterol

As mentioned earlier, chickpeas contain dietary fibre, an ingredient that helps reduce your cholesterol levels. The findings of a 2006 study show that participants who consumed chickpeas regularly had low LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels compared to those who only ate a wheat-based diet. The researchers pointed out that the high fibre content in chickpeas was responsible for reducing the harmful cholesterol levels.

Chickpeas Improve Brain Function and Mental Health

In a single cup of chickpeas, there is 69.7 mg of choline. Choline is an essential mineral for the nervous system and brain function. Choline plays a vital role in learning, memory, mood regulation, metabolism, and muscle control. The daily recommended intake of choline for adults is 400 to 550 mg.

The recommended quantity can vary according to gender and conditions, like whether you’re breastfeeding or pregnant. In addition, the selenium content in chickpeas supports thinking and memory. A study examining the cognitive decline in the elderly found a decreased level of selenium.

Studies have also shown that some of the other nutrients found in chickpeas like magnesium, zinc, and selenium may play a role in protecting the brain against depression. However, another study also linked magnesium with anxiety and migraines.

Chickpeas Promote Digestive Health

Chickpeas are an excellent source of fibre, especially soluble fibre. Soluble fibre can help prevent any unhealthy bacteria overgrowth while also increasing the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. Studies have shown that consuming a high-fibre diet reduces your risk of developing digestive issues like colorectal cancer. It also helps keep your bowel movements regular and promotes good gut health.

Chickpeas Aid Weight Management

If you’re trying to lose weight or stay within a healthy weight range, then chickpeas are your ally. In addition, the dietary fibre in them acts as a bulking agent. As a result, chickpeas will make you feel fuller for a longer time. In addition, their high protein content also contributes to reducing your appetite and, therefore, limiting your caloric intake.

Chickpeas Help in the Prevention of Iron Deficiency

Iron is an essential mineral in the body. It helps the red blood cells carry and deliver oxygen to the entire body. When there is an iron deficiency present in the body, it can cause tiredness and weakness. In addition, some life-threatening health conditions may arise due to low iron levels. Chickpeas are an excellent source of iron. A single cup of chickpeas contains around 26% of the daily value. Chickpeas also consist of some vitamin C. A recent study found that combining vitamin C and iron may help increase the body’s ability to absorb iron.

Best Ways to Incorporate Chickpeas in Your Diet

You can easily include chickpeas into your diet. Listed below are two popular recipes that use this versatile ingredient.

#1 Hummus- Middle Eastern Dip


  • Cooked chickpeas – 1 cup
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 60 ml
  • Tahini – 60 ml
  • Minced clove of garlic – 1
  • Olive oil – 30 ml
  • Ground cumin – ½ teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Water – 45 ml
  • Paprika for garnishing


  • Blend chickpeas, cumin powder, tahini, lemon juice, salt, and garlic in a mixer or food processor. Ensure the mixture is smooth and creamy in texture.
  • Slowly and gradually add olive oil. Keep mixing.
  • Depending on the thickness, add as much water as you like and continue to mix. However, do not exceed 45 ml of water.
  • Once the ingredients are well-blended, remove them into a deep and wide bowl. Garnish the hummus with some paprika and or cumin and olive oil.

#2 Chickpea Salad


  • Boiled chickpeas – 1 cup
  • Extra virgin olive oil – 2 Tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – Two teaspoons
  • Salt – ½ tsp
  • Chopped tomatoes – ½ cup
  • Cubed cucumber – ½ cup
  • Boiled chickpeas – 1 cup
  • Sliced onion – ½
  • Chopped coriander leaves – ¼ cup
  • Black pepper – 1/8 tsp


  • Mix all vegetables and the chickpeas in a deep bowl.
  • Now, mix lemon juice, salt, pepper, and olive oil in a separate mixing bowl.
  • Pour over the cut vegetables and garnish with coriander.

Who Shouldn’t Eat Chickpeas?

  • People with digestive tract diseases may want to avoid consuming chickpeas. They contain complex sugars that may be hard to break down when one’s gut health is compromised.
  • If you are allergic to any other legumes, you may be allergic to chickpeas as well. If you’re allergic, then consumption of chickpeas may cause nausea, itching, abdominal pain, and vomiting.
  • Excess consumption of chickpeas may also increase one’s uric acid levels, which could result in gout. However, keep in mind that this is only in the case of excess consumption. You will reap only the benefits mentioned in this article if you stick to the recommended amount.

Chickpeas: Things to Remember

  • You can eat at least one serving (28 grams) of chickpeas per day. However, don’t eat more than 70 grams a day since that can cause adverse side effects.
  • If you consume too many chickpeas, some side effects you may get include bloating, nausea, and gas.
  • It’s important to remember that chickpeas should not be eaten raw. Raw chickpeas contain toxins and other problematic substances that are hard for your body to digest. Thus, they may give you food poisoning.
  • If you’re consuming canned chickpeas, make sure to find one that says BPA-free on the label. BPA stands for Bisphenol A, an industrial chemical often present in the coating on the inside of such cans. Also, make sure to wash them before eating.
  • People using medications that may increase one’s potassium levels should consume chickpeas with caution since they already contain high amounts of potassium.
  • Also, as long as one eats cooked chickpeas, they’re safe for consumption by pregnant women.


Historically, chickpeas are legumes that are from the Middle East. However, chickpeas are now famous worldwide. This small bean has a delicious nutty and buttery flavour, making it an excellent ingredient in many cuisines. Chickpeas also play a vital role in promoting health and preventing diseases. So make chickpeas a part of your daily diet and stay fit for life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Are chickpeas a carbohydrate or protein?

A. Chickpeas have an average of 18 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of protein. Therefore, they are a rich source of both carbohydrates and protein.

Q. Are chickpeas good for weight loss or dieting?

A. Chickpeas are a great source of protein and dietary fibre, two nutrients that help control weight.

Q. Are chickpeas good for you?

A. Chickpeas are a superfood consisting of protein, fibre, and nutrients such as calcium, iron and more.

Q. Are chickpeas safe for consumption?

A. People should not eat raw chickpeas or other raw pulses, as they contain toxins and problematic substances to digest. In addition, even cooked chickpeas have complex sugars that can be difficult to digest and lead to intestinal gas and discomfort.

Q. Is it okay to eat chickpeas every day?

A. Yes, it is okay to eat them every day. They can help reduce your “bad” cholesterol, thereby reducing your risk of heart disease.

Q. Do chickpeas make you gain weight?

A. No, they don’t. On the contrary, they help you lose weight since they contain fibre which helps you feel full for longer.

Q. Do chickpeas have more protein than chicken?

A. No, chicken has more protein than chickpeas. There is 27g of protein in chicken, consisting of 239 calories. There is 14.5g of protein in chickpeas, comprised of 269 calories.

Q. What happens if you overeat chickpeas?

A. Eating too many chickpeas in one sitting can cause bloating and nausea. So, remember to eat in moderation!

Q. Does chickpeas cause gas?

A. Yes, eating too many chickpeas can cause gas.

Q. Can chickpeas be eaten raw?

A. No, chickpeas cannot be eaten raw as they contain toxins and are difficult for your body to digest. If you eat them raw, they may give you food poisoning.

Q. Is chickpeas good for hair?

A. The vitamin A and zinc present in chickpeas help prevent hair loss and dandruff.

Q. Are chickpeas good for diabetes?

A. Yes, chickpeas are helpful since they are a good source of protein and lower your blood sugar levels.

Q. Are chickpeas inflammatory?

A. Unless you are allergic to chickpeas or other legumes, they’re unlikely to cause any inflammation. Chickpeas contain anti-inflammatory properties.

Q. Are chickpeas good for cholesterol?

A. Yes, chickpeas can help reduce your “bad” cholesterol.

Q. How much protein is in 100g boiled chickpeas?

A. There are 19 grams of protein in 100 grams of boiled chickpeas.

Q. How many calories are in 100 grams of raw chickpeas?

A. There are 364 calories in 100 grams of raw chickpeas.

Chickpeas Benefits - Nutritional Value, Weight Loss, Recipes | HealthifyMe (2024)


Are chickpeas good for you to lose weight? ›

Chickpeas May Help Control Your Weight

Because chickpeas are high in fiber, they help you to feel fuller longer. Satiety means you won't overeat, which helps you maintain or lose weight. They're also delicious when they're made into hummus.

Do chickpeas reduce belly fat? ›

Experts found that even a single serving of chickpeas or pulses in a day can help in reducing belly fat and overall weight. This is because Kala Chana or black chickpeas is loaded with dietary fiber, which provides satiety.

What is the healthiest way to eat chickpeas? ›

Not only are these superfoods super tasty, but they're also extremely versatile. Meaning, no matter how long you're socially isolated, you won't run out of ways to make chickpeas. "Chickpeas are wonderful to add directly to your dish—like salad, pasta, or soup—for extra protein and fiber," Cannon told us.

Are chickpeas protein or carb? ›

Chickpeas are a great source of plant-based protein, making them an excellent food for people who don't eat meat or animal products. A 1-cup (164-gram) serving provides about 14.5 grams of protein, which is comparable to the protein content of similar foods like black beans and lentils ( 1 ).

What happens if I eat chickpeas every day? ›

They help with digestion.

Studies have found that eating more chickpeas can help make bowel movements easier and more regular. They can help lower cholesterol. Soluble fiber is good for more than gut health. It can lessen your total cholesterol and your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.

Do chickpeas detox your body? ›

The iron and copper present in chickpeas helps to boost up your blood circulation which helps eliminate toxins from the blood and provides more oxygen.

What are the 5 foods that burn belly fat? ›

Five foods that may help burn belly fat include:
  • foods with soluble fiber like fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
  • foods with protein like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.
  • fatty fish like tuna and salmon.
  • foods with probiotics like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
  • green tea.

What is the best time to eat chickpeas? ›

Yes, it is ok to eat Chickpeas at night, in fact, they can be eaten at any time of day. Chickpeas are rich in vitamin B6, magnesium and a constituent (tryptophan) which helps in getting a healthy and sound sleep[6].

What pairs with chickpeas to make a complete protein? ›

What should I add to chickpeas to make a complete protein? - Quora. Mix them with either a whole grain or a nut/seed of some sort. Any combination of legumes and whole grains, or legumes and nuts or seeds, will make a “complete” protein that contains all the essential amino acids found in meat or dairy.

Are chickpeas healthier than eggs? ›

3 Tablespoons (about 2 ounces) of chickpea flour packs slightly more folate than half of your daily needs, more than 3 times the amount of iron found in one egg, provides about 6 grams of dietary fiber (which eggs don't carry any of) and about 13 grams of protein (an egg only contains 7).

Is there anything unhealthy about chickpeas? ›

Risks. People should not eat raw chickpeas or other raw pulses, as they can contain toxins and substances that are difficult to digest. Even cooked chickpeas have complex sugars that can be difficult to digest and lead to intestinal gas and discomfort.

Are chickpeas a probiotic? ›

No. Sometimes it's easy to get confused by nutrition terms. Chickpeas are considered a prebiotic, not a probiotic.

Are chickpeas and garbanzo beans the same thing? ›

The honest answer—there's no difference between chickpeas and garbanzo beans. They're just two (of many) different names for the same type of pulse. (Pulses are basically seeds of legume plants.) The word chickpea doesn't come from chickens at all—it's an evolution of the plant's Latin name, cicer arietinum.

Do chickpeas spike blood sugar? ›

Chickpeas can positively impact your high blood sugar due to their low GI, high fibre and protein content. However, consuming legumes as part of a balanced meal is essential, as excessive consumption or high-GI ingredients added to chickpea recipes can raise your blood sugar levels.

Are chickpeas healthier than rice? ›

Legumes have superior nutrient profiles in comparison to other common dietary staples, such as rice and corn [21]. For example, black beans and chickpeas contain more than 7 g of protein, while long-grain white rice and kernel corn contain only 2 g per 1/2 cup serving of cooked food.

Are chickpeas or chicken healthier? ›

Unlike chicken and other animal products, chickpeas contain absolutely no cholesterol. They're also a rich source of soluble fibre, which reduces the production of cholesterol in the liver and its absorption in the small intestine. A win-win for those with high cholesterol levels.

Are chickpeas better for you than pasta? ›

Chickpea Pasta: Pros and Cons

Chickpeas are "nutritional powerhouses," maintains Kaytee. "Chickpeas make an excellent pasta option to help meet your protein goals and fill you up with fiber." Plus these noodles are often lower in calories than whole wheat or white pasta.

Do chickpeas lose protein when cooked? ›

Boiling chickpeas do not affect its protein content or calories but it absorb water which lead to increase in total weight. Legumes and pulses have a tendency to absorb water which increase their total weight but do not affect overall nutrient profile.

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