'Billions' recap: Bobby Axelrod finally has the upper hand, but his enemies are coming for him (2024)

This season of Billions, in all its divided-by-COVID glory, has been a lot about legacy. After four seasons of watching the likes of Chuck, Axe, Wendy, Taylor, and many others go through various power plays to make more money and gain more power, the fifth season has asked two questions: does any of it matter, and what kind of personal toll does this kind of intense hunger for power do to a person?

This season has pushed Axe and Chuck to confront themselves and their legacies more than ever before, and it's no surprise that both men have reckoned with themselves in different ways. Each has had his catalyst for self-reflection. For Axe, it's the threat of Mike Prince, a man who's not only on his level financially but also embodies the spirit of the "good billionaire," the guy who genuinely wants to use his wealth and power to create a better world. As Prince says in this episode, "wealth will always be there, and power with it," but he wants to make sure he leaves the world a better place than he found it.

Axe despises this kind of thinking and generosity, which is why he tracked down the mother of Prince's old business partner, David, and had her spill some secrets on national television. He wanted to show the world that this man was not flawless, that he was not as good as he's been saying. The thing is, Prince ends up rolling with this. He takes the hit on the chin and antes up on his stance as a rich guy trying to do good. He sells off his positions in numerous companies to prevent them from being associated with the backlash he's receiving, and he works to make amends with David's mother.

With Prince selling his positions, Taylor sees the perfect opportunity to swoop in and scoop up a lot of green energy business for cheap. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Taylor's emerging business, but they need the go-ahead from Axe before buying because they need some extra capital. Initially, he opposes the idea because he wants to destroy those companies for ever being associated with Prince, but then he sees the light and understands this would mean he loses a ton of money, too. Then he goes right back to the dark side, going behind Taylor's back and getting Mafee to offload those companies and make them worthless. Axe gets what he wants, but as we'll see in a bit, there's collateral damage.

Now, to Chuck's reckoning. His legacy comes into question when he realizes his father is dying. That brings stark clarity to his life. After the fiasco that gave Axe his charter bank, Chuck is ready to stop chasing his white whale. He's willing to accept defeat because life is too short to go around chasing one man, especially when, as Chuck puts it, every move he makes seems to make Axe's life better and his own life worse.

This feels like an honest move for Chuck. It really does seem like he's getting ready to accept that he can't beat Axe... until Prince approaches him. Prince is ready to get his hands a little dirtier. He's accepted that he must carry the weight of his past, and he's ready to start anew. He still wants to forge a path towards goodness and prosperity, but he's also willing to go on the offense if it means ridding the world of someone as toxic and selfish as Axe. So, when his attempt at thwarting Axe's new frozen pizza business doesn't work out, he goes to Chuck, and eventually, they have a plan. Prince has swayed the Delaware Attorney General into appointing a special trustee to oversee every decision made at Axe's charter bank, and the man for the role is Chuck's vengeful, seething, dying father.

They think they've got it. They've got a man on the inside — Chuck Sr. has nothing left to lose because he's dying and the man loves watching powerful people squirm — and now all the life will be squeezed out of Axe's bank charter. Alas, Axe once again finds the trump card. Where Chuck could only offer his father something to briefly live for, Axe has offered him life. Convincing one of his employees to give up his kidney to Chuck Sr. Axe has bought Chuck's own father, giving him life when he was on death's doorstep.

How can anyone beat this man? He's come out on top again and again, and that includes destroying Wendy and Tanner's relationship. Axe is on top of the world, and he seems invulnerable.

So perhaps what's called for is more force than usual, more brainpower and influence, to take Axe down. At the end of the episode, Prince goes back to Chuck, and while they're upset about how the plan with Chuck Sr. was ruined, Prince thinks this could work out in their favor. He knows that Axe gets sloppy and emotional when he's punishing his enemies and gloating in his victories, and he thinks they can use that against him. They'll wait for Axe to make a mistake with the charter and then nail him on something that'll send him to prison. Then, Taylor walks into Chuck's office, and when they see Prince there too, they smile and utter one question: "How are we taking down Bobby Axelrod?"

Axe's enemies have teamed up, and they're coming for his head.

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'Billions' recap: Bobby Axelrod finally has the upper hand, but his enemies are coming for him (2024)


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So Axe was written off (exiled to Switzerland) to avoid arrest by Chuck, thanks to a tipoff from Prince. Prince took over Axe's throne and renamed the kingdom Michael Prince Capital (MPC).

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Another Wendy subplot throughout “Billions” has been the peculiarity of her relationship with Axelrod. There's an unmistakable chemistry between the two. They are deeply involved with each other — something that irritated Chuck and Bobby's various partners to no end — but not in a sexual way.

Why was Axe written out of Billions? ›

Summary. Damien Lewis left Billions after five seasons, impacting season 6 and changing the direction of the show. Bobby Axelrod's story wasn't finished as he returns in season 7. Lewis' departure aligned with the end of his contract and his desire to spend more time with his family in England.

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Dollar Bill and Victor are rewarded for their candor and loyalty, while Ben Kim and Tuk are given the ax for failing to tattle and for lacking the fortitude to decline the offer in person. Such men can't be trusted. As for Rian, she walks away from both outfits, choosing to quit Prince Cap and travel the world.

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Lara Axelrod, née Benjamin, is the ex-wife of Bobby Axelrod.

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There's no other way to put this: In its final hour, “Billions” delivered, and delivered, and delivered. It saw what it needed to do — spend 45 minutes beating the living snot out of Mike Prince, and the remaining 15 minutes depicting beloved characters being really nice to each other for a change — and by God did it.

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Anyway, the producers of Billions based the character Wendy Roades on a real-life performance coach to financiers and hedge fund managers. Her name is Denise Shull, and I'm joined by her today.

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Wendy and Chuck's reconciliation is evident by how they are happily shown dining at a hibachi restaurant with their kids and are no longer at odds with one another. This is unlike in the previous seasons, where Chuck and Wendy had a strained relationship, eventually leading to their divorce.

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Fans have been questioning for years if Wendy and Axe would eventually get together. But while it sadly seems there's no huge romantic moment we all hoped for, their farewell is as moving as it is poignant. "We'll both be in the same city, with the same people.

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“Axelrod is not a hero or a villain; he's a complex human being who has a lot of contradictions and conflicts. He's someone who can inspire admiration and disdain at the same time.”

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On Rotten Tomatoes, the series holds an overall approval rating of 86%, with a rating of 78% for season 1, 89% for season 2, 93% for season 3, 97% for season 4, 91% for season 5, 100% for season 6, and 60% for season 7.

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Koppelman: It's what we were talking about earlier. The show ends with Brian Connerty cooking dinner at a third-tier Benihana knockoff for the Rhodes, his last shift before becoming a lawyer again, and committing to it with everything he has, as that song plays. It is so Billions.

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Billions: Season 7 Reviews

Fresh score. Billions successfully landed the plane (OK, private jet) with its series finale, in a satisfying finish that reassembled the key players and even gave them time to take individual bows.

Who is the FBI agent in Billions Season 1? ›

Terri (Susan Misner): An FBI agent working with Chuck and the United States attorney's office on the Axelrod case. She's also sleeping with Chuck's right hand, Bryan (Toby Leonard Moore), and turns up in his office a button short on her blouse.

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Billions (TV Series 2016–2023) - Melina Kanakaredes as Nancy Dunlop - IMDb.

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B as in Bobby Axelrod or "Axe" to his friends (and definitely not the body spray). The former billionaire CEO of Axe Capital hedge funds (played by "Homeland" star Damian Lewis) returns for the seventh and final "Billions" season (streaming Friday on Paramount+/Showtime, airing 8 EDT/PDT Sunday on Showtime).

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Indeed, some are satisfied enough to have a job at all, as the Billions finale goes out of its way to tip back to its own past, bringing in old guard characters like Bryan Connerty (Toby Leonard Moore) back into the fold; previously disgraced and sent to prison, Connerty is brought back in by Chuck and Kate Sacker ( ...

Will there be a season 8 of Billions? ›

As of now, there will not be Billions Season 8, confirmed makers. Q2. When was the first time Billions released? A2.

Is there a spinoff of Billions? ›

Fans may have said their goodbyes to the Showtime series, but the world created within it is yet to be over, with a spinoff already planned and greenlit. In October 2023, fans of the hit TV series learned that Showtime plans to have not one – or two, mind you – spinoff of the successful series but four.

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