/bbg/ - Bonbibonkers General (2024)

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Old Character Thread Old Character 09/29/2022 (Thu) 16:46 [Preview] No. 32322 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Bonbi bros love bonbi's tiktoks i have recently taken up the task of trying to convert my friend, to be a fan of bonbi, to be a bonbi bro.
it's not going too well.

bonbi's tiktok account is the first account he had that had a lot of interaction with him. so far i've posted pictures of bonbi, the bonbi bro meme, the bonbi bros video and i've given him the link to bonbi's tiktok account so he can see that bonbi has a life beyond his twitter, but he's not budging.

it seems that i'm getting more bonbi bros and less bonbi's than i would like

i just want more bonbi's.

i know it's a big task to convert a lad to a bonbi bro, but it seems to be getting easier as he spends more time with bonbi and sees more of the bonbi's that the bonbi bros post.

i'm thinking that he's been exposed to all sorts of images of bonbi and that seeing the bonbi
i just wish bonbi had a bro-line account where i could share pics of bonbi, or maybe just share pics of bonbi itself with the bonbi bros.

He is a good lad, but I would like if he became a bonbi bro I know how hard this is, but if he saw some cool videos of Bonbi he would most likely be into them."
It's a good idea. I have been trying to get him into Bonbi, and I have yet to convert him."
I know this is something you can't help, you just have to stay strong. I know what it feels like to have no friends and no takers to do anything with."

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Old Character 10/01/2022 (Sat) 00:32 [Preview] No.32427 del

To be honest, it wasnt that big of a shock. I wasnt expecting emiru to get more heat for bon, I just kinda expected her to get more heat overall. What she did was awful, but when has emiru not been awful. It's kinda a running theme with her

This. I dont really believe it either. I believe Bon is in a mental/emotional state to believe this is true.

She probably wouldnt have posted her story about being kicked out, if she knew this. But I just cant see how she would have believed it.
It could be a lie though. I dont know anything about her, so I could be wrong.

How the hell would I know though, I know nothing about her. Why isnt everybody saying I'm an insane troll who lies and makes sh*t up.

There must be more to this

You guys remember how long it was between the SA and the drama that erupted, right?
And there were a lot of people making threats against Bon.
Maybe it took her a while to get back online after she got out of the hospital. Maybe this all took place before she had fully recovered and just found out about the SA.
I honestly don't know.

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Old Character 10/01/2022 (Sat) 00:44 [Preview] No.32429 del

Bonbi gets angry and sad after AX. Early July.
Emiru unfollows in late July.
Bonbi keeps talking about drama and gaslighting friends and SA until she escalates in late September.

There are some inconsistencies between our timeline and Bonbis story.
But we still have gaps in our knowledge.
Im feeling confident we can figure this out.

friends who also continued communication with her and her group.

Re: Bonbi & Friends

Bonbi's story changes as she grows. Initially, she said she had never been involved in drama with friends, but eventually said she had once. She said she and the friend had a big fight, which was the start of the drama.

If I recall, the first time I heard Bonbi mention a friend, I didn't make the connection. It made her seem like she wasn't close to anyone.

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Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 06:34 [Preview] No.32461 del

I think I understand now.

Old Character was there to teach us discernment.
He's trying to help us solve Bonbi's mystery before it's too late.
Old Character is a metaphor for Bonbi on social media and the real Bonbi.
"Old Character" is Bonbi because she left the spotlight a long time ago.

Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 09:45 [Preview] No.32466 del

Your writing tells me you are either a 3rd world sh*tter or incredibly uneducated.
Potentially both.

Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 10:08 [Preview] No.32468 del

Make no mistake, only the sophisticated can understand Old Character's prose.
You are clearly ignorant.

/bbg/ - Bonbibonkers General (2024)
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